Join Us
Barbershop and Hair Salon Blood Pressure and Heart Rhythm Screening
Talk with your Barber or Hair Stylist about the Strong Heart Foundation's Happy Hair-Healthy Heart program and send us their name and contact information so we can provide them with a free blood pressure monitor. You can save lives in your community.
Product Assistance for charitable cardiac procedures in developing nations
If you are an Electrophysiologist and perform charitable procedures abroad, contact us about assisting with your supply needs.
If you are an EP Staff and are interested in participating in these procedures in other countries, contact us and we will connect you with those who may need your assistance. The gratefulness of those who receive these services will light your life for years.
Strong Heart Foundation
If you would like to help us grow our programs, we would be excited to talk with you. Contact Us and let’s talk about how we can work together to help your community and the world.