Happy Hair - Healthy Heart
Barbershop & Hair Salon Blood Pressure and Heart Rhythm Screening
Cleveland Barber who lost clients to heart disease and wanted to help.
Buffalo Barbershop & Hair Salon saying... “It’s about life.”
Men and women with High Blood Pressure or the irregular heart rhythm Atrial Fibrillation (AFib), usually have no symptoms and are not aware of these problems until they have a stroke, a heart attack or worse.
Barbershops and Hair Salons are woven into their communities, giving them credibility and trust with their clients. Hundreds of sites around the world have extended their services to include screening their clients for High Blood Pressure and AFib.
Kareem Abdul Jabbar on his story about AFib.
Newer automated Blood Pressure monitors take less than a minute and medical studies have confirmed the positive impact on their clients’ and community's health.
Early detection and regular monitoring are keys to preventing these life-threatening problems.
Barbers and Hair Stylists: Contact us to receive your free Blood Pressure monitor which also detects Atrial Fibrillation.
Individuals: talk with your Barber or Hair Stylist to let them know about this opportunity to make a greater difference in their clients lives and improve the health of their community.
Product assistance for charitable EP procedures in developing nations
With crucial support from EPreward, Medical Materials, and Innovative Health, The Strong Heart Foundation assists Cardiac Electrophysiologists with obtaining free devices they need to perform life changing procedures for people in developing nations who have limited ability to perform those complex procedures.
If you are an EP Physician who travels overseas to share your skills with those in need, Contact Us to see how we can assist.
Support for Local, National and International Non-Profits
The Strong Heart Foundation and its business partners support a diverse group of Non-Profit Organizations. These organizations are local, national and international and are focused on children, women, families, animals, the environment, and social justice. Each of these are evaluated on a regular basis and have missions that compliment the Strong Heart Foundation’s values and goals. If you are looking for a Charity to help support, or volunteer your time with, we recommend them highly.